Inverted mop teardrop w/ shell pendant |
Elastic wood and coco wooden bracelets |
Round mop buckle 70mm sarong buckles |
White bonium shell beads |
Black bangle resin bangles |
Camagong wood beads wooden necklaces |
Collectible handcarved laminated acacia acacia bags |
Surfer leather bracelet peace symbol |
Dangling handpainted and colored oval 35mmx26mm kabibe |
Fuschia pink 2-3mm coco coco bracelets |
Pandan bracelet w/ monita macramae bracelets |
Coco pokalet necklaces coco necklace |
Coco heishe necklaces coco necklace |
Owl mop carving 40mm shell pendant |
Leaf hammershell w/ skin shell pendant |
Dangling handpainted and colored round 30mm kabibe |
Dangling 19x14mm mop cross shell earrings |
Black bonium shell beads |